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Updated: 06/29/2024

Wastewater Discharge at 1260 Richard lane, O‘ahu

First Detected: 06/22/2024
Sign Removed: 06/28/2024
Closed: 06/29/2024
Cause: clogged line

The public is advised to remain out of the waters of Kalihi Stream near Richard Lane due to a wastewater discharge. Details are as follows: Event: Wastewater discharge Location: manhole near 1260 Richard Lane Estimated volume: 350 gallons, 300 gallons into nearby storm drain leading to Kalihi stream Status of spill: stopped Cause: grease and debris Signs posted: signs to be posted morning of 6/22/24 The public is advised to remain out of the affected waters until warning signs have been removed. For more information, please follow this link.!/event/1819/details/view

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